Friday, March 29, 2013

Living Life Gay With The Same Rights. 

Friday, March 29, 2013.

Living gay, I feel like this could mean two things; living life gay, being a homosexual. Also happy the real definition. The World is beginning to speak out on gay marriage, the thought of gay marriage doesn't really bother me, but I feel as if it's going against what God says is right. I'm a Christian, and I'm not just real religious but I try to stick to what is moral and correct. Although the bible says that we should not judge, it’s very contradicting and could only be placed in God’s hands. The concept has bought along a lot of controversy amongst us U.S. citizens. Rallies, protest, and parades have bought the gay community together to try to change what the world has divided with a civil rights issue. I say gay marriage is cool, it doesn't really bother anyone and the American people just fear change. It would be a ridiculous for homosexuals not to have the same rights, as heterosexuals. States’ rights also play a big part in the decision, our and conservatives will truly dislike it. We should be able to have full control on who we want to spend our lives with. Its abuse to their civil rights and causing a big issue and I feel like it has taken a bigger debate than needed.  

Friday, March 8, 2013

Telling Secrets

    March 5th, 2013.

      Andrew Rosenthal has created a very interesting article on the New York Times  website. It seems like it will challenge a lot of people’s beliefs. The intended audience for this particular blog is anyone who is interested in national security and those who follow politics and the government’s central intelligence intensely. In my perspective, the main argument of this blog is that citizens of the United States of America should have access to anything that affects their livelihood and their security at large. I feel that anyone who lives in this country and calls this nation home should definitely be able to find out whatever information they need to that may cause any harm.  In the article, Rosenthal blatantly states, “…we all should know what’s going on. The documents should be made public for everyone to read.” I completely agree, and not only should everyone have access to the documents but somehow some way Congress and President Obama should at least conjure up a way to receive the citizens’ opinion on the matter. Not necessarily take every person’s personal and specific answers into consideration, but at least account for a majority of the population and then Obama and or Congress can declare the official answer based off what will benefit us as a whole. However, I also feel the head of this country should do whatever it takes to put an end to terrorism and keep our nation as safe as possible. If that means that we have to keep all terrorist matters confidential and ultimately up to the government’s concern and decisions only, then so be it.